Student Organizations < Campus Life | Gyeongin National University of Education


Campus Life


Gyeongin National University of Education encourages students to actively engage in more than 70 clubs and activities on campus. Students lead a broad array of cultural, academic, social, physical clubs. Club activities help students to find their latent talent s and develope their quality as a future teacher through diverse experiences.

Students Club Association

  • Tel : 82-10-540-1361
  • Location : Students Building 2nd Floor
Student Organizations
Section Clubs
Performing Arts
  • Ba-Ra(rock)
  • Pung-Ryu Heo(Korean classical music)
  • Dong-Geu-Ra-Mi(acoustic guitar)
  • Battle-Like(hip-hop)
  • Hak-Ma-Eul(theatricals)
  • Arte(orchestra)
  • Intro(pop dance)
  • Son-Mal(sign language)
  • Tov(Jazz)
  • Zenith(rock)
  • Move-On(hip-hop)
  • ST7(Rock)
  • Flare(pop dance)
  • Delicato(composition and arrangement)
  • Hae-U-Seum(dance)
  • Roman(acoustic guitar)
  • Mono(picture)
  • Ul-Rim(Korean farmer’s band)
  • Byun-Du-Ri(subculture)
  • Blitz(cheering)
  • Class(basketball)
  • My-ball (t-Ball)
  • Foot-Sa-Gwa(women’s soccer)
  • Love-Ace(tennis)
  • GINUE-Cue Stick(billiards)
  • Back-Attack(volleyball)
  • Einseu(soccer) Badsin(badminton)
  • With-Ball(handball)
  • Hiking(climbing)
  • Pink-Pong(ping-pong)
Academic & Society
  • Aporie(academic discussion)
  • Mireumoe(environment)
  • Boding-Boding(board Game)
  • oulim(voluntary service)
  • Together-Value(society)
  • DSM(Christianity)
  • CCC(mission)
  • GI-TEM(mission)
  • Christian Youth Bible Study (Christian Bible study)
  • ESF(Bible study)